The Master Program in Information Systems aims to train professionals capable of:
(i) Understanding the role of information and information systems and technology (IST) in organizations and society;
(ii) Explaining the technological, organizational, political, social and cultural reasons for the success of IST adoption and management;
(iii) Diagnosing problems associated with the use of IST;
(iv) Designing IST solutions to solve organizational or societal problems and seizing opportunities arising from changing markets and society.
Access to higher education
This Master degree provides basic training to carry out a course of 3rd cycle (PhD) in the same scientific area, or other areas.
Possible employment options for the Masters in Information Systems:
(i) Large companies, where the Information Systems Function (ISF) is well identified and formalized and typically depends on a director at the highest level hierarchy (e.g., Chief Information Officer | CIO). The Master in Information Systems will integrate the ISF and may even lead it;
(ii) Consulting firms, where the Master can lead or integrate project teams, performing activities and assuming responsibilities consistent with her/his training, profile and professional experience;
(iii) Small companies, where the information systems area is not necessarily autonomous, and the corresponding responsibilities are assumed in combination with other responsibilities (e.g., Finance, Production). In these organizations the Master in Information Systems is a particularly valuable asset, as it is not likely that there are other professionals with such good preparation and awareness of how to manage the adoption and use of information technologies;
(iv) Public organizations, where the Master in Information Systems can play many different roles, from supporting functions to the leadership of ISF;
(v) Software development companies, where the Master may have an entrepreneur role and lead product innovation activities and services, as well as management of software development projects.
Apart from these career opportunities directly related to the scientific-technical training provided by the Master’s in Information Systems, there are numerous other opportunities where the skills developed in the course (e.g., systemic thinking, autonomy, reflection, leadership, communication) can prove useful. On the other hand, the Master's expertise and capabilities in Information Systems can also be channeled into opportunities to create new businesses.