The Master Course in Interactive Technologies is oriented towards the construction of a professional profile that privileges specialized competences in the scope of the production, application and exploitation of interfaces and technologies of interaction in the various fields of human activity, capable of autonomous and qualified interventions and scientifically-controlled experimentation.
The Master in Interactive Technologies comprises the following main objectives:
- provide a reasoned and problematizing knowledge of theories and practices of application of interactive technologies, taking into account the different contexts of professional intervention;
- to qualify for autonomous professional performance, developing models and devices conceptually and methodologically appropriate to technology application projects;
- develop methodologies for the exploration, application and evaluation of technologies adapted to the study of / intervention in use scenarios, digital exploration and experimentation;
- to enable the exercise of supervisory functions in projects of application and experimentation of technology in the intervention contexts of interactive technologies.
Key learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. select, design and develop models and configurations suitable for technology application and experimentation projects, in conjunction with the specifics of each final application scenario;
2. specify, analyze and intervene in an informed way in contexts of application and experimentation of technology;
3. autonomously perform the functions of implementer and supervisor of technology application projects;
4. carry out experimentation, investigation and/or action research in contexts of application and exploitation of technologies.
Access to higher education
This Master's course provides basic training to carry out a 3rd Cycle course (PhD) in the same scientific area, or in other areas.
The Master in Interactive Technologies aims to train professionals to perform functions in the design and development of new products, interfaces and interactive applications for the most diverse areas of human activity. The course aims to train professionals to perform highly technical functions, including the assumption of functions of:
- direction and management of technology application projects in use scenarios, digital exploration and experimentation in the design of interaction systems;
- design and development of technological applications that strongly explore the informative and sensorial expressiveness of contents, interfaces and interaction;
- intervention in the experimentation, development and creation of innovative applications supported in digital technologies;
- design and implementation of experimentation/research-action projects.