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Engineering and Management of Information Systems (Master) 2022/2023



Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
4 curricular semesters
Azurém Campus, Guimarães (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Information Systems and Technologies


    School of Engineering
    Campus de Azurém
    4800-058 Guimarães

    Tel: +351 253510179 / 253510160 Fax: +351 253510178


The MEGSI aims at the advanced training of IS engineers and managers whose main professional functions combine IT, organization and management competencies. 
MEGSI graduates should be acquainted with the R&D process to follow the evolution of the area's body of knowledge and participate in its exploration and development, namely in a context of evidence-based professional practices.
MEGSI graduates must also demonstrate: a sense of responsibility and professional ethics; ability to learn and adapt to new situations; analytical, synthetic and critical thinking abilities; creativity; self-confidence; attention to the evolution of IT and the opportunities for its application; reflexive attitude; leadership posture. 
The professional functions of EGSI can be performed in any organization, regardless of its size (including small and medium-sized companies) or sector, as well as in management and IT consulting companies.

Key learning outcomes

MEGSI aims at acquiring competencies in functions other than those developed at the undergraduate level (IST or Informatics), at deepening those competences, and at introducing students to R&D.
The learning outcomes focus on proficiency in using IT for the benefit of organizations and aim at competencies, at the specialized level, for the execution of professional EGSI functions, namely:
1. Information management (curation);
2. Exploit IT to enliven informational objects;
3. Develop IT applications;
4. Implant IT applications;
5. Upkeep portfolios of IT applications;
6. Design of IS architectures;
7. Set up of information-centered, IT-enhanceable, enterprise capabilities;
8. Oversee IT infrastructures;
9. Control the fit between the IS architecture and the reality;
10. Study the impact of IT on society;
11. Administer IST units;
12. Carry out R&D in IST.

Access to higher education

This course provides the technical and scientific capacity to access courses of the third cycle (Doctorate).


- Large companies, where there is a formal IST function. The ISEM graduate will integrate this function, possibly leading it, assuming responsibilities compatible with his/her education, profile and professional experience;
- Small companies, where the IST function is not necessarily autonomous. In these organizations the ISEM graduate is a valuable element given its preparation for the adoption and use of IT;
- Consulting companies, leading or integrating project teams, assuming responsibilities compatible with his/her education, profile and professional experience;
- Software development companies, performing the role of entrepreneur and leading product and service innovation activities, as well as managing software development projects.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho 

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Entry requirements

The MEGSI (Master in “Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação”- engineering and management of Information Systems) is a continuity master of LEGSI (“Licenciatura” in EGSI) so that the graduates in LEGSI meet the conditions for entering MEGSI.
MEGSI also admits holders of other 1st cycle courses in Information Systems and Technologies (IST) and Informatics/Computing.
In addition, and taking into account the aforementioned areas of knowledge: Holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna by a country adhering to this process; foreign higher academic degree that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the School of Engineering as satisfying the objectives of the “Licenciatura” degree; Holders of acedemic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the School of Engineering as attesting the capacity to carry out the cycle of studies.

Aditional Information

Study Plan

Regime Curricular Unit Scientific Area ECTS
Year 1 60
S1 Corporate Strategy G 5
S1 Information Presentation and Visualization TSI 5
S1 Information Systems Analysis and Design TSI 5
S1 Information Technologies Infrastructures TSI 5
S1 Machine Learning for Enterprise Systems TSI 5
S1 Opção 1 5
Design of Organizational Processes TSI 5
Digital Innovation TInt 5
Dynamic Modeling of Systems and Organizations TSI 5
Information Systems Security Management TSI 5
Initiation to Research in Information Systems and Technologies TSI 5
Law and Information D 5
Open Innovation Using Information Technologies TSI 5
Organizational and Process Innovation TSI 5
Semantic Web TSI 5
Testing and Validation of Information Systems TSI 5
Virtual and Augmented Reality TInt 5
S2 Architectures for Distributed Information Systems TSI 5
S2 Engineering and Innovation of Services TSI 5
S2 Information Systems Security Engineering TSI 5
S2 Management of Information Systems TSI 5
S2 Predictive and Prescriptive Business Analytics TSI 5
S2 Opção 2 5
Automatic Software Modeling and Generation TSI 5
Decision Support Systems TSI 5
Development of Analytical Information Systems TSI 5
Digital Games TInt 5
Digital Transformation TSI 5
Information Systems and Technologies in Government TSI 5
Information Systems Auditing TSI 5
Initiation to Research in Information Systems and Technologies TSI 5
Leadership and Change Management G 5
Management of Knowledge, Learning and Organizational Intelligence TSI 5
Omnichannel Marketing G 5
Urban Informatics TSI 5
Year 2 60
A Opção 3 45
Dissertation TSI 45
Project Work TSI 45
S1 Project Management in Information Systems and Technologies TSI 5
S1 Research and Development in Information Systems and Technologies TSI 5
S1 Trends and Impacts of Information Systems and Technologies TSI 5


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Cr 1/2021
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity:

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