The PhD in Political Science and International Relations, re-designed in line with the Bologna process, aims to offer attendance in an advanced studies course that consolidates the skills necessary to develop research work and to prepare the Doctoral students for the execution of independent and original scientific work in an area of knowledge inserted in the Political Science and International Relations field, this way contributing to the progress of knowledge, both in the theoretical and applied domains.
We offer a structured PhD Programme that includes: six courses (1st and 2nd semesters – 60 ECTS) and the supervised writing of a Doctoral thesis (3rd – 6th semesters - 180 ECTS).
The associated research centre is the NICPRI - Research Centre in Political Science and International Relations, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology . In the last assessment of R&D Units conducted by a panel of international experts, the FCT granted the NICPRI the evaluation of Excellent.
In addition, the high quality standards of the Programme rest upon a highly educated staff holding doctoral programmes awarded by outstanding European and American universities.
Access to higher education
The conclusion of this Doctoral degree allows the realization of research activity at post-doctoral level