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Human Engineering (Master) 2021/2022



Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
4 curricular semesters
After Working Hours
Azurém Campus, Guimarães (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Ergonomics
  • Hygiene
  • Safety and Health at Work


    School of Engineering
    Campus de Azurém
    4800-058 Guimarães

    Tel: +351 253510179 / 253510160 Fax: +351 253510178


The technical-scientific domain of Human Engineering is today recognized as an important element of modern and efficient industrial management. It is no longer possible to conceive of the effective management of any type of industrial or service system without the application of techniques and methodologies integrated in the various disciplines that make up the body commonly known as Human Engineering.
The Master's Degree in Human Engineering provides postgraduate training in the field of Human Engineering (core themes: Ergonomics, Safety and Occupational Hygiene), which aims to provide companies with qualified technicians. In this way, legal imperatives are met, while at the same time contributing to their sustained development, based on the improvement of working conditions.
The course is approved by the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) for Senior Occupational Safety Technician, under Law No. 42/2012, of 28 August.
The course lasts for four semesters, totaling 120 ECTS, of which 95 ECTS concern the scientific area of ??Human Engineering, and the remaining 25 ECTS are distributed among the scientific areas of Numerical Methods and Statistics, Psychology, Management and Industrial and Systems Engineering.
The cycle of studies is highly mature, with over 20 years of experience, giving it a high degree of recognition.
There is a significant number of scientific publications in the course area, with peer review and international publication, as a result of some dissertation works. Students are able to make their debut in the publication and presentation of scientific results, through their participation in national conferences and workshops.

Key learning outcomes

1. Provide postgraduate training in the field of Human Engineering (core themes: Ergonomics and Occupational Safety), aiming to provide companies with qualified technicians.
2. To train senior managers with the necessary skills and abilities to promote and implement the management and control of occupational risk situations in different sectors of activity.
3. Foster the development of applied research in the areas of Ergonomics, Occupational Safety and Health. 4. Promoting critical thinking and reflection capability about complex real problems to enable to develop solutions or make judgments.
5. Provide competencies that enable lifelong learning in a fundamentally self-directed or autonomous way.

Access to higher education

This Master's course provides basic training to carry out a course of 3rd cycle (PhD) in the same scientific area, or other areas.


Senior Occupational Safety Technician (level VII), Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems Manager, Human Resources Manager, Project Manager in Occupational Safety and Health, Project and Construction Safety Coordinator, Risk Manager, Specialist in Human Factors and Ergonomics, Professional working in the area of Ergonomics (workstation design, human-machine interface systems, product development, among others).






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Entry requirements

Candidates are admitted as long has they have a Degree in Engineering, Ergonomics, Psychology, Medicine, Biology, Physics, Chemical, or in or other similar areas or those with degrees legaly equivalente.

Aditional Information

Study Plan


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Ef 2494/2011/AL01
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity:

  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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