Eugénio Campos Ferreira was born in Esposende, in 1962.
He is Full Professor at the Biological Engineering Department of the University of Minho since 2010.
He graduated (1986) and obtained a doctoral degree (1995) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Porto. He joined the University of Minho as Invited Assistant in 1991.
He developed his teaching activity in the areas of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Environmental Management, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Bioengineering.
He leads the BIOSYSTEMS research group on Bioprocess Engineering and Computational Biosystems at the Centre of Biological Engineering. His research expertise relates to process systems engineering in biotechnological, chemical and environmental applications with particular emphasis in the following areas of activity: modelling, monitoring, and control of bioprocesses; systems biology, bioinformatics, and metabolic engineering; image analysis and chemometrics in (environmental) biotechnology. In this context, he has published 11 books and over 200 articles and book chapters.
Since December 2019, he has been vice-rector of the University of Minho responsible for research and innovation and chairman of the board of TECMINHO – Associação Universidade Empresa para o Desenvolvimento.
At the University of Minho, Professor Ferreira acted as Director of the Centre of Biological Engineering, a research unit with more than 400 researchers, and served as Counsellor Member at the General Council of the University of Minho. From 2010 to 2013, he served as Associate Dean for Research of the School of Engineering at the University of Minho and he is Director of the PhD program on Bioengineering (MIT Portugal Program). He served as Associate Director of the Department of Biological Engineering and as Academic Director of the Master program on Environmental Management and of the Bachelor program on Biological Engineering.
Professor Ferreira is Counsellor member of the Order of Engineers of Portugal where he served as Chair of the Chemical & Biological Engineering Section. He served as the General-Secretary of the Portuguese Society of Biotechnology, as the Portuguese Delegate at the Board of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Biosystems and Bioprocesses and the National Representative to the Technical Committee on Modelling, Monitoring, Measurement, and Control of the European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences. In addition, he is Associate Editor of Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering and Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, member of the Editorial Board of BioMed Research International, Chemical Product and Process Modelling, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering and Management Journal and he was the Editor-in-Chief of “Engenharia Química” journal from 2006 to 2008.
He coordinates/ed the review panel for PhD fellowships in bioengineering and biotechnology at the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and he is a member of the assessment panel for biotechnology and bioengineering academic programs at the national Agency for the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education. He also integrated review panels for Agência Nacional de Inovação, European Science Foundation and European Commission.
VRT Assistant: Paula Pereira
Phone: +351 253 601195