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Conferência Internacional "Contemporary Challenges to Forensic Genetics in Society"

12/11/2018 - 14/11/2018
Escola de Direito, campus de Gualtar, Braga
Organização do projeto Exchange, coordenado por Helena Machado, do CECS-UMinho, e financiado pelo Conselho Europeu de Investigação (ERC).
Conferência internacional "Contemporary Challenges to Forensic Genetics in Society" de 12 a 14 de novembro da Escola de Direito da UMinho, em Braga. Entrada livre.

Contextualização (em inglês)

In the last few years, there has been an expansion of the possibilities offered by human identification provided by forensic genetics, based on the expansion of DNA databases for criminal and civil identification, and technological innovation building on forensic DNA phenotyping and forensic genetic massive parallel sequencing. Research in social studies and beyond has begun to explore the development and implementation of such emerging technologies; related societal, scientific, legal, and ethical controversies.

One of the goals of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program is to expand and strengthen the role of forensic science with and for society, in particular regarding its applications in different domains: security and crime control, identification in humanitarian disasters, and in the criminal justice system. This three-day conference aims to bring together and put into dialogue professionals and academics working in these different fields. A main objective of this conference is to engage society more broadly in research discourses and activities by providing discursive spaces for multi-perspective debates. This means in particular to explore good practices that might be applied in governance and policy-making founded on a respect for human rights, transparency and public trust.

Panel topics are of interest to experts from different disciplinary backgrounds – from social sciences, over life sciences, to police and law studies and include: Current Challenges to Transnational DNA Data Exchange, Challenges to European Forensic Science, Forensics Genetics and Humanitarian Purposes, Privacy and Public Engagement, Emerging Technologies, Forensic Genetics and Racism. The final day is dedicated to shed light on the situation and discourses related to the Portuguese case and addresses topics such as Regulatory and Ethical Challenges of Forensic Genetics in Portugal, and Operations and Practices in Forensic DNA Database.

Oradores confirmados

- Álvaro Mendes, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
- Ana Bento, Instituto de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Portugal
- Angel Carracedo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha
- António Amorim, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
- Carlos Farinha, Laboratório de Polícia Científica - Polícia Judiciária, Portugal
- Carole McCartney, Universidade de Northumbria, Reino Unido
- Chris Lawless, Universidade de Durham, Reino Unido
- Cíntia Águas, Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida, Portugal
- Dana Wilson-Kovacs, Universidade de Exeter, Reino Unido
- David Skinner, Universidade de Anglia Ruskin, Reino Unido
- Elisabeth Anstett, Centro National para a Investigação Científica, França
- Erin Murphy, Universidade de Nova Iorque, EUA
- Ernesto Schwartz-Marin, Universidade de Durham, Reino Unido
- Gabrielle Samuel, Kings College London, Reino Unido
- Georg Biekötter, Conselho da União Europeia
- Helena Machado, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
- Ingo Bastisch, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
- Joelle Vailly, Escola de Escola de Estudos Superiores em Ciências Sociais, França
- Kees van der Beek, depositário aposentado do banco de dados de DNA da Holanda
- Maria João Antunes, Conselho de Fiscalização da Base de Dados de Perfis de ADN, Portugal
- Matthias Wienroth, Universidade de Newcastle, Reino Unido
- Peter Schneider, Universidade de Colónia, Alemanha
- Reinhard Schmid, Ministério Federal do Interior, Áustria
- Susanne Schultz, Gen-Ethisches Netzwerk, Alemanha
- Victor Toom, Universidade Goethe - Frankfurt am Main, Alemanha
- Wojciech Branicki, Universidade Jaguelónica, Polónia

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