LEGSI aims at educating information systems engineers and managers whose main professional functions combine IT, organization and management competencies. These functions can be performed in any organization, regardless of its size or sector. The functions can also be performed at management and IT consulting firms. It is a relevant professional profile in SMEs where it provides IT and organizational improvement competencies. It is also intended that recent graduates from LEGSI demonstrate a sense of responsibility and professional ethics; ability to learn and adapt to new situations; teamwork ability; attention to the evolution of IT and the opportunities for its application; and reflexive attitude.
Key learning outcomes
LEGSI graduates should have competencies, at the novice level, for the execution of the main professional functions (eleven) in EMIS, namely:
1. Information management (curation);
2. Exploit IT to enliven informational objects;
3. Develop IT applications;
4. Implant IT applications;
5. Upkeep portfolios of IT applications;
6. Design of IS architectures;
7. Set up of information-centered, IT-enhanceable enterprise capabilities;
8. Oversee IT infrastructures;
9. Control the fit between the IS architecture and the reality;
10. Study the impact of IT on society;
11. Administer IST units.
It is assumed that the first five functions are those that a recent graduate can most naturally take over at the beginning of his/her career.
Access to higher education
This course provides the technical and scientific capacity to access courses of the second cycle (Master).
- Large companies, where there is a formal IST function. The ISEM Bachelor will integrate this function, performing activities compatible with his/her education, profile and professional experience;
- Small companies, where the IST function is not necessarily autonomous. In these organizations the ISEM Bachelor is a valuable element given its preparation for the adoption and use of IT;
- Consulting companies, being able to integrate project teams, performing activities compatible with his/her education, profile and professional experience;
- Software development companies, being able to participate in IT application development projects, as well as product and service innovation.