The University of Minho (UMinho) has unequivocally assumed the principle that quality and its guarantee are a fundamental element for its functioning and development.
This principle is enshrined in the statutes of the University’s commitment to develop its activity infused with a culture of quality, based on responsibility, efficiency of action and the prevalence of the general interest.
In order to achieve this aim, UMinho specified an institutional strategy for quality, as explicitly expressed in its Quality Policy and embodied in an internal quality management system of quality, the SIGAQ-UM, based on a structuring document - the Quality Manual, seeking to respond to the challenges raised by European standards and guidelines for
quality assurance in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI).
In line with UMinho's mission and strategic objectives, the following documents should be considered as structuring elements for the development and implementation of quality policy:
(1) the medium-term strategic plan;
(2) the action plan for the four-year mandate of the Rector;
(3) UMinho’s annual plan of activities;
(4) UMinho’s annual assessment and accountability framework (QUAR-UMinho);
(5) UMinho's activities and accounts report (RAC);
(6) the Quality Manual.