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Scholarships provide direct welfare support to students in economic need, whose families are unable, on their own, to meet the costs of attending University.
The scholarships are co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Portuguese State under POPH.
The attribution of scholarships is regulated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, which defines the amounts and the conditions under which students can apply. The scholarship awarding regulations and Decree Law 70/2010 of 16th June are available for consultation on the SASUM website ( Applications are made using a specific form and on pre-established dates.
The decision to award a scholarship is based on an analysis of the information provided by the candidate in the application form (and respective supporting documents), and may be complemented by an interview and, in justified cases, by a home visit made by qualified technical specialists. Candidates who make false declarations, through inaccuracy or omission of data, in addition to having to repay any amounts received, will incur administrative, disciplinary and/or criminal sanctions.

  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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