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Portal UMinho



​The University of Minho has several libraries at the disposal of the academic community. The main university libraries are managed by the Documentation and Libraries Services. These are the General Library in the Gualtar Campus, the UMinho Library on Azurém Campus, the Library of Law, the Library Prof. Joaquim Pinto Machado, the Library Nuno Portas, the Library Fernão Mendes Pinto and the Library on the Couros campus.   These libraries contain an important body of documents, covering all fields of knowledge. The libraries have over 700 reading and studying spaces, providing several services, such as loan of publications, interlibrary loan and document supply, support and training services.

Through the bibliographic catalogue it is possible to research the whole body of documentation in the libraries. In the Digital Library area, it is also possible to access digital documentation.

  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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