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Textile Engineering (Master) 2024/2025



Academic degree:
  • Master's degree
4 curricular semesters
Azurém Campus, Guimarães (UM)
Main Scientific area:
  • Textile Engineering


    School of Engineering
    Campus de Azurém
    4800-058 Guimarães

    Tel: +351 253510179 / 253510160 Fax: +351 253510178


The Master in Textile Engineering (MET) results from the need to complement the design, development and production of textile products skills of graduates. Organized in two areas of specialization, Advanced Materials and Technologies and Functional Materials and Finishing, it aims the improvement of specific skills from emerging domains in the area of Textile Science and Technology. With a flexible and multidisciplinary curriculum, integrating a set of elective curricular units, specific and transversal to both specializations, which incorporate the knowledge resulting from the research developed within the scope of the Center for Textile
Science and Technology and the Center for Algorithms, it will provide the graduates advanced knowledge and they will develop their skills with motivation, thus fulfilling the companies’ needs, mainly in the textile area, promoting innovation and development.

Key learning outcomes

1. Enable the future master with deep knowledge in science and engineering of materials and textile design.
2. Design and implement textile projects, taking advantage of the opportunities provided by technology.
3. Generate and deepen innovative technical and functional solutions, sensitive to design aspects and market specificities.
4. Analyze, interpret, evaluate, and integrate the performance results of the developed products.
5. Plan the methods and techniques of scientific and technological research in the engineering of new products and processes.
The curriculum plan, the syllabus selected for each of the curricular units and the teaching methodologies adopted to respond to the defined learning objectives.

Access to higher education

This course gives the technical-scientific ability to access Doctoral degree courses.


The Textile and Clothing Industry, in its many aspects, is the privileged employability sector of the course. The main employers are companies in the area of most conventional textiles (eg home and home textiles) and technical textiles (eg ropes, airbag and tire fabrics, geotextiles, composite reinforcement, protective clothing, hygiene, etc.). The profile of the masters also allows the insertion in the labor market in important areas complementary to the industrial sector, such as the distribution, manufacturers / representatives of textile machines, textile fibers, dyes and auxiliary products, consultancy, research. and development, laboratories, training and research.






Access forms

The access to this Cycle of Study can be done at the Students Portal of the University of Minho 

This information does not replace consultation of the Academic Regulations of the University of Minho and other official documents.

Entry requirements

The following may apply for the Master Course in Textile Engineering:
a) holding a bachelor degree in Textile Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engineering, Materials Engineering or other related areas, Sciences (Chemistry, Biochemistry) or others that guarantee knowledge considered appropriate by the Textile Engineering Master Steering Committee.
b) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of Bologna by a State adhering to this process, in the areas of knowledge mentioned in a).
c) Holders of a foreign higher academic degree that is recognized by the Scientific Council of the School of Engineering as satisfying the objectives of the graduate degree, in the areas of knowledge mentioned in a).
d) d) Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum recognized by the Council
of the School of Engineering as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies.

Aditional Information

Study Plan


A3ES Accreditation status:
Resolution publication date:
Registry number at Ministry:
R/A-Cr 192/2021
Registry Date:
Accreditation validity:

  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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