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Ethics Council

 Ethics Council

The University of Minho Ethics Council (CEUMinho) was created in accordance with UMinho Statutes. It is an advisory body of the University and, pursuant to Article 70 of the said Statutes, it supports the design and monitoring of policies and actions designed to safeguard ethical and deontological principles in scientific research, teaching, interaction with society and the general functioning of the University. In compliance with article 71 of the University Statutes, it is the responsibility of CEUMinho to comment on ethical questions submitted to it by the General Council and the Rector, as well as to propose codes of conduct, guidelines, recommendations, opinions and reflections as well as debates regarding its area of intervention and the different strands of the University’s mission. CEUMinho is also responsible for issuing reasoned opinions on the ethical evaluation of R&D projects, particularly all activities involving in any form people, animals or biological material of human or animal origin.

Framed by the principles set forth in article 3 of the UMinho Statutes, CEUMinho’s mission is based on respect for the dignity of human beings and the promotion of this.

Pursuant to article 72 of the Statutes, CEUMinho has the following composition: (i) a Chairperson, appointed by the General Council; (ii) four teachers and/or researchers from the University; (iii) two students from study cycles leading to a master’s or doctoral degree; (iv) a technical, administrative or managerial employee; (v) up to four persons external to the University. The members referred to in (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) are appointed by the General Council following a proposal from the Rector.

The principles and norms applicable to the organisation and functioning of CEUMinho are expressed in the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Council of UMinho, as approved by this body on 19 October 2018 and approved by Decision of the General Council No 35/2018 of 17 December. Under the terms of articles 7 and 8 of the Rules of Procedure, CEUMinho functions in plenary sessions and in specialised committees. At present, CEUMinho is a member of the following specialised committees: Ethics Committee for Research in Life and Health Sciences (CEICVS); Ethics Committee for Research in Social and Human Sciences (CEICSH); Ethics Committee for Research in Environmental Sciences (CEICA).



Maria Cecília de Lemos Pinto Estrela Leão, Full Retired Professor and Emeritus Professor of the School of Medicine  



Isabel Maria Vivalva Patrocínio Monteiro, Senior Technician of the Pro-rector's Office for Institutional Assessment and Special Projects


UMinho teachers and/or researchers

Manuel Rosa Gonçalves Gama, Full Professor at the Escola de Letras, Artes e Ciências Humans

Manuel Joaquim Silva Pinto, Full Retired Professor University of Minho

Emanuel Pedro Viana Barbas de Albuquerque, Associate Professor with Aggregation of the School of Psychology

Célia Sacramento Santos Pais, Associate Professor with Aggregation Retired University of Minho


Students of study cycles leading to a master's or doctoral degree

Luciana Amorim Perestelo de Meneses, PhD Student in Biomedical Enginnering 

Manuel Resende Monteiro Protásio, PhD Student in Juridical Sciences


Persons external to UMinho

Jorge Manuel de Oliveira Soares

Lucília Rosa Mateus Nunes

José Manuel Melo Antunes Mendes

Helena Maria de Oliveira Freitas





Ethics Council
University of Minho
Building 2, Floor 0
Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga
Phone: (+351) 253 601 700
  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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