Pursuant to articles 7 and 8 of the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Council of UMinho, homologated by Decision of the General Council of the University No 35/2018 of 17 December, the following specialised Committees, which are currently part of CEUMinho, were created so as to operate as part of CEUMinho:
· Ethics Committee for Research in Life and Health Sciences (CEICVS);
· Ethics Committee for Research in Social and Human Sciences (CEICSH);
· Ethics Committee for Research in Environmental Sciences (CEICA).
The specialised committees are responsible for issuing reasoned opinions regarding procedural verification and ethical evaluation of research and development projects (R&D), involving activities of a scientific, scientific-technological or experimental nature in the different subject areas and which take place in the organic units and research subunits of UMinho.
The operating rules of CEICVS, CEICSH and CEICA, including the guide for the submission of requests for ethical opinions on R&D projects, are set out in the respective Guidelines and Guide approved by CEUMinho (Decisions CEUMinho-1/2018, 2/2018 and 3/2018 of 18 December, respectively).
The composition of each specialised committee of CEUMinho is multidisciplinary and made up of five permanent members. In view of the diversity and nature of the matters to be addressed, the collaboration of third parties may be requested, as invited members, whenever necessary.