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TAM Staff Assessment

 TAM Staff Assessment

​Public Assessment Scheme

Law No. 66-B/2007, of 28 December and subsequent legislative changes, namely Law No. 66-B/2012, of 31 December, provide the framework for the Integrated System for Management and Performance Assessment in the Public Administration (SIADAP), namely the assessment of workers’ performance (SIADAP3).

Law No. 66-B/2007 of 28 December established the Integrated System for Performance Management and Assessment in the Public Administration (SIADAP), which applies to the performance of public services, their respective managers and other employees. Through an integrated design of management and assessment systems, SIADAP makes it possible to align the performance of services and their employees in a coherent manner.

The Integrated System for Performance Management and Assessment in the Public Administration, abbreviated to SIADAP, established by Law No. 66-B/2007, of 28 December, in its current wording, shall be applied to the services involving the direct and indirect administration of the State, as well as, with the necessary adaptations, namely in relation to the competences of the corresponding bodies, to the services of the autonomous regional administration and local government. This provides for performance assessment based on results and competence parameters.
SIADAP is composed of 3 distinct subsystems, which must be linked to the phases of the management cycle of each service:

    a) The Public Administration Services Performance Assessment Subsystem, abbreviated to SIADAP 1, which is annual in nature;
    b) The Performance Assessment Subsystem for Public Administration Managers, abbreviated to SIADAP 2, with assessment cycles of five or three years, in accordance with the length of the service committee.
    c) The Performance Assessment Subsystem for Public Administration Employees, abbreviated to SIADAP 3, which is biennial and relates to performance during the two previous calendar years, with the process commencing with the contracting of the assessment parameters.

Private Assessment Scheme

As a result of Decree-Law no. 4/2016, of 13 January, the University of Minho is currently a higher educational institution of a foundation nature — a public foundation with a private law regime, under the terms of the Legal Regime for Higher educational institutions (RJIES), approved by Law no. 62/2007, of 10 September — such that, in the relevant legal and statutory parameters, it is governed by private law, namely with regard to staff management.

With the publication of the Performance Assessment Regulation for Non-Teaching and Non-Researcher Staff under Employment Contract at the University of Minho, approved by Order RT - No. 71/2017 of 7 December, published in the Official Gazette Diário da República, No. 1 of 2 January 2018, the principles and rules governing the performance assessment process of non-teaching and non-researcher staff under employment contract at the University of Minho have been established.


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