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Portal UMinho

Scientific Production

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 Scientific Production

As a research university, UMinho has been increasing its scientific production, annually publishing several thousand articles in scientific journals, papers and other contributions in scientific conferences and congresses, books and book chapters, and other types of publications.

In recent years, from the set of its scientific production, about 2,000 publications are annually referenced in the ISI Web of Science (WoS) and/or Scopus databases. UMinho’s contribution to national production was 9% in the Scopus database and 8% in the ISI WoS, registering an average annual growth rate of about 15%, higher than the national average (11%).

A growing percentage of scientific production is contained in the RepositoriUM, most of which is available in open access.


RepositóriUM is the institutional repository of the University of Minho and gathers a growing number of scientific and academic publications produced within the institution. Most publications in RepositóriUM are available for consultation by anyone, in open access.

Scientific publications

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