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School of Architecture, Art and Design (EAAD)

 School of Architecture, Art and Design

The School of Architecture, Art and Design has ensured, since nineteen ninety-six, even though, then, with the designation of the Autonomous Department of Architecture, the creation, dissemination and enhancement of knowledge in the field of Architecture.

It is the specificity of the teaching carried out that promote 'integrated knowledge' without questioning the different disciplinary autonomies and surpass a sum of knowledge which contribute to the development of a Project methodology, sine qua non for the exercise of Architecture in its multiple valences.​

Also noteworthy is the location of the School of Architecture, Art and Design at the University of Minho in the city of Guimarães, with a historic center recognized by UNESCO as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


School of Architecture, Art and Design
University of Minho
Campus de Azurém
4800-058 Guimarães
Phone: (+351) 253 510 500​​

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    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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