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Recognition of Foreign Qualifications

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 Recognition of Foreign Qualifications

The new procedures regarding recognition of foreign qualifications are defined in Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of 16 August, in force since 01 January 2019.
The implementation of some of the legal provisions of this Decree-Law are already contained in the Ministerial Directive that regulates the aspects of the procedural steps - Ministerial Directive No. 33/2019, of 25 January..

How can I make a request?

  1. The request for recognition is submitted RecON platform, using the specific form provided by the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES), attaching the requested documents in digital format.
  2. The application will be subject to a fee.
  3. After payment, the application will be analysed and processed at UMinho, until the final decision is communicated to the Applicant.

For more information please consult the DGES website.

Recognition of foreign qualifications – Law

Before submitting the application on the RECON platform, applicants wishing to have their qualifications recognised in the area of Law should obtain information regarding prerequisites and other conditions through the following email:

Recognition of foreign qualifications – Medicine

Before submitting the application on the RECON platform, applicants wishing to have their qualifications recognised in the area of Medicine should obtain information regarding prerequisites and other conditions through consulting the following link:
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