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Research Institute I3Bs (I3Bs)

 Research Institute I3Bs

​​The Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics (I3Bs), was created in March 2018 and it is the first first Organic Research Unit, created under the scope of the 2007’s Legal Framework for Higher Education Institutions (RJIES).

The I3Bs, that results from the evolution of the 3B’s Research Group, created in 1999, has as main mission to promote scientific and technological advances in the area of biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative and precision medicine, polymeric, composite materials and bioceramics for biomedical applications, other áreas of biomedicine, nanomedicine and biotechnology, stem cells and new materials of natural origin, including those of marine sources, as well as the advanced scientific training in it’s área of research and the dissemination of research outcomes for the scientific comunity and society in general.
The I3Bs is composed of two sub-units, the 3B’s Research Group and the 3B’s Innovation and Services;


Research Institute I3Bs
University of Minho
AvePark - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia
Zona Industrial da Gandra, 4805-017 Guimarães, Portugal
Phone.: (+351) 253 510 900
  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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