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The University of Minho (UMinho) has adopted an unequivocal institutional commitment to Ethics, which is a fundamental aspect of its activity and affirmation, as established in its Statutes.

Its Code of Ethical Conduct lays down the values and norms which guide the University’s mission in its teaching and learning activities, scientific research, interaction with society and its general functioning, based on the ethical principles of fairness and justice, respect for the dignity of the human person and personal and professional responsibility.

The Ethics Committee of the University of Minho (CEUM) was created in 2011 by order of the Rector (Order RT-51/2011 of 7 September), with the mission of promoting reflection and contributing to the definition of guidelines safeguarding ethical principles. It works in plenary sessions and has two subcommittees, namely the Ethics Subcommittee for Life and Health Sciences (SECVS) and the Ethics Subcommittee for Social and Human Sciences (SECSH).

The Ethics Council of UMinho (CEUMinho) was created in compliance with the provisions set forth in the Statutes of UMinho, as approved by Legislative Order No 13/2017 of 29 August, published in the Official Gazette 2nd series, No. 183 of 21 September 2017. This body supports the design and monitoring of policies and actions to safeguard ethical and deontological principles in the areas of scientific research, teaching, interaction with society and the general functioning of the University, according to the mission, competencies and composition laid down in Articles 70 to 73 of the said Statutes.

CEUMinho is an advisory body endowed with technical and scientific independence. It is responsible for supporting and advising the General Council and the Rector in the performance of their duties and for issuing ethical opinions in accordance with the Statutes of UMinho and its Rules of Procedure. It works in plenary sessions and in specialised committees.

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    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
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