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Courses for those over 23 years of age

Portal UMinho > EN > Education > Educational offer > Courses Not Awarding Degrees > Courses for those over 23 years of age

 Courses for those over 23 years of age

These are intended to continue to meet a need for citizens who did not have the opportunity to follow a normal schooling path earlier, which would have allowed them to get into the higher educational courses offered by the University of Minho (UMinho), and there is an annual Preparation Course for Access to Higher Education for those over 23 years of age for those who intend to apply to UMinho through the special access vacancies provided for over 23 year olds.

Covering the Portuguese language (compulsory) and a specific subject, the Course exempts those interested in applying to the UMinho through the special vacancies for over 23 years old, in the same year in which they successfully complete the Course, from having to take a Portuguese language test and specific subject entrance test, as required as part of those vacancies.

However, attending and passing the Course does not guarantee students entry to the University, nor does it oblige the University to accept them into its bachelor and integrated master’s degree courses.

The study plan was approved by Order RT/C-99/2020 and the course is governed by the Academic Regulations of UMinho, which also govern the special vacancies for students over 23 years old.

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